This was almost Christmas. Giuan Tott intrösc in the era of thoughts ... I know this story should be told so, but I am well aware that few would be able to read it. Then I'll try to make the story current in Italian that develops in a quiet corner of Lombardy, lying between hills and plains that cover the province of Lecco, Como, Monza-Brianza and Milan, not far from the border between the old and the Duchy Serenissima, marked by the course of the Adda and known to the literature for the flight to Milan in Renzo Betrothed. Beyond that is the border with the province of Bergamo its quarries and its cement, with trucks that travel by cable car carrying their loads.
It was almost Christmas. John was busy with his thoughts. The snow coming down slowly helped him to get lost in the maze of the mind with hypnotic power of large flakes that are deposited as small feathers. It took more than a moment to realize that someone was addressing the word. Vincent was the "German", decked out with the Scottish wool scarf, a huge black windbreaker and wool cap with the emblem of Juventus. He was not really German, indeed: the very name betrays its origins south. No, he had worked in Germany long ago, never knew when, before finding its location on the banks of the Adda. Of the idiom he had learned in the days of childhood and youth there were only the shadows closed in some accents and strangely opened in other words. But sometimes ventured into the territories of the dialect difficult parts without too much disfigure Monza.
And now he was talking about something that would happen soon. John did not read the first few sentences, it was like one who wakes up and takes a little to connect, maybe moving a little 'arms and legs, stretches to restore tone to the muscles. "Tomorrow I'll win the Lotto." That was the gist of the long speech by Vincent, also spoke with gestures with his hands and his words were saying that he went to play in the early morning of the station bar the bookies - he drank a cappuccino, ate croissants, Tuttosport bed with the record of winning the match in Catania and Juventus player, the "German" when he had to say something still started Adam and Eve.
John took one hand from his pocket, passed it on the chin: a habit that sometimes when he had to ask a question. Vincent, who knew him well, are prepared to listen: in that attitude seemed to be a child waits for Christmas morning. "You played the Lotto, all right," said John, "but what makes you think you'll be right to win, given also played in many because the jackpot is high, is it? 102 million? "" 104 million, € 127 000 and 258 "Accounting just his friend. "Behold, 104 million-odd, and you'll win? Just you? But can you tell me why do you believe? "They were standing under the canopy of the dispenser. Vincent looked around, rolled umbrella and closed quietly, so that John finds it hard to understand, said: "He told me an angel ..." 'Cuse? "Said surprised John," what? " Vincent and the silence, the almost even put a hand over her mouth. "An angel, come to I'll see if I was still there. "
They went under the snow, which fell more heavily. On the streets there were at least ten centimeters, but remained compact, cracking under the soles. Vincent took his friend on the right side of the parish church. There, in a recess in the wall was a cave with the crib. A blond child wrapped in a cold wind jacket that clearly showed extensive dirt was there sitting in the ox and the donkey, on the bottom. "Ossignùr, Tudèsch but thee mea ciamàa the Police?" snapped John. "The police? And why? Do not you see he's an angel? He also wings ... "As if he had been specially trained, at that very moment the child, who has had a five-six years, he turned and sprang from the jacket two large sections of foam padding. "Vincent, but it is the feather." John moved to St. Joseph asking him mentally excuse for that barbaric act, bowed before the Virgin Mary and approached the child, kneeling. "Are you lost? Where are your father and your mother? "" Here "said the boy, pointing to the statues of saints. John saw instead "here, out here," and so "Six of the country?" He asked again. "No, I live here." And so saying, he jumped into the manger, left empty until Christmas Eve, when the priest was to place the statue of baby Jesus and bless the crib. It was when the child is lying comfortably in the manger, which began a wonderful music and a choir began to sing. "But, Don Cesare this year has put up a good program," thought John, "also made the choir practice on Friday morning ..." At that moment he realized that the choir could not be, since all were probably in school or at work. Vincent was on his knees and his eyes in ecstasy over the cave. He looked at him, a dozen angels sang "Glory in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will. " The snow was falling more and more dense, the cave was now illuminated, the light was indeed a blessing from the baby in the manger. "But, that all dirty and tattered jacket?" Dared to ask John. "The sins of the world leave traces," said the Child Jesus.
now the snow had become a blizzard, the wind blew hard, the cold was very intense. John Vincent lifted and led him inside the church, through the side door. Don Cesare was praying sitting on a bench. He saw the two men get covered with snow. "What happened?" He asked in alarm. The two could not speak, but pointed to the door to the priest, accompanied him in front of the cave. Now the snow fell less dense, needle. At the center of the cave, in the manger, was the Infant Jesus of gypsum, that was always the priest. "Well," said Don Caesar, "is back. But I do not recognize? It is the statue of the Infant Jesus, who had stolen last year. Who knows who will set the ... The providence of God ... "So saying lifted the statue, wiped the snow with a black wool scarf and went to church ... "This put the Christmas Eve!" Almost shouted shutting the door. John and Vincent remained as two fools. They looked at the cave once again, cold and dark as much as it was warm and bright a few minutes before. The silence seemed louder now that the choir had stopped singing, the snow muffled all those noises. They went to the Central Bar and ordered two glasses of white sprayed with Campari.
The next day, according to the prophecy of the angel, Vincent "the German" won the Lotto: 204 euro and 42 cents reward her four. We bought a heater bar and glow on Christmas night, unseen by anyone, put it in the cave, close to the Baby Jesus, because he might not suffer the cold.
Crib eighteenth century "to belch" - Church of Santa Maria della Neve, Acireale
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