Heartfelt thanks to Dayana for honoring me with the award
visit your site many, there are lots of ideas wonderful to give vent to the desire for creativity vs!
The prize' initiative designed to give a blog born just a chance 'x get to know more '.
rules to follow to receive the award are:
rules to follow to receive the award are:
- - accept the award and write a post about
- - choose three to five bloggers that we like and tell them that they won
- - link to the blog of the person that I will left
sites that wish to award the prize Liebster Blog are:
Taina's blog "The hedgehog's den" http://web.me.com/tainadavide/Pikkusiilin_pesä/Home.html
Silvia's blog "The shop of wonders" http://thewonderemporium-mimmi.blogspot.com/
Ms Laowai's blog "My Soapmaking diary "http://mysoapmakingdiary.blogspot.com
good vision!
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